The "formidable" Knicks promo brought the predictable response from Celtics fans everywhere, which was expected and in fact welcomed. It's great to see that there is that much passion for an NBA team. Who would have thought? What surprised me though, was a remark made by a quote- unquote Knick's fan along the lines of - we all knew the Knick's were going to suck this year, all of the fans on the fansites hate the Knicks, the commercials, can't call out other teams like that, especially a title contender like Boston, blah, blah, blah.... My question is this, Why not? Hell, we (or some of us) calls ourselves "Fans", which is short for Fanatics- meaning filled with excessive, uncritical zeal, ...or obsessive enthusiasm for a pastime which in our case is sports, more specifically- pro B- ball.
It can suck being fan. We spend virtually everyday of the week watching our teams on Tv, checking the internet, newspapers, and blackberries for scores and updates. And for what? Temporary escapism from your day to day lives, maybe, a reason to get out of the house, to get together with a group of people with different backgrounds who share a common interest or just a reason to get drunk. We stay up until midnight on Monday nights to watch our team lose by a last second field goal, cross our fingers as our teams huddle to prepare for the potential game winning shot, and curse at the opposing batter who owns our pitcher. Terms like "Tuck rule", "the shot", "The drive", etc... are all part of our vocabulary. Whatever the reason, we watch and watch- through off season deals, through pre season, through regular season all in the hopes that our team will make it to the playoffs and hopefully be crowned champion.
As New Yorkers, we are currently going through the longest championship drought in New York sports history- seven years. No World Series Championships, or Trophies named Stanley, Vince Lombardi, or Larry O'Brien. And unfortunately for us, Boston fans have been living in an intoxicating seven year tea party with three superbowl championships, two world series rings, and now Bird, Mchale, and Parrish have been replaced with another Big Three who are giving Celtic fans a reason to cheer.
So what do we do? The only thing that fans are supposed to do. Cheer on our teams even when they are struggling. We can't control the management/ownership of our teams- No matter how deplorable it can sink (Knicks) It sucks yes, but we are fans and these responses like " can't call out a title contender..." are just bull sh-t. Since when are New York fans pussies? Who cares? Especially when they are commenting on a commercial that was shot in September. Just get over it. And what are all of these "fans" doing on these fansites anyway? If they hate the team, what are they looking for, dates?
It's all in the timing. Our time will come again, we just have to ride this wave.